Download helicopter mod

After downloading the archive, upload it to the workshop

Currently there are 5 helicopters available and about 20 skins (skins in discord)

if you have any questions, go to our discord

Client mod Github
helicopter mod
Alpha version of the "full version of the mod"
The effect of the wind on the flight - it blows a little or helps the flight per turn.
The Q E buttons work and it looks like the tail starts to pull and the helicopter turns.
Backward flight - when you tilt the helicopter too much to the top, you start flying backward.
A steep dive or barrel - looks like in real life - when compared with a video in real life.
Damage to the tail starts to spin the helicopter like in the real world.
something else, but it's easier for you to go to SIB TEST and check it yourself.

To participate in the alpha version of the "full version of the mod" write in steam private messages to him or discord channel

helicopter mod
Download boats mod

Alpha Test

All information in discord

boats mod
Download gunner mod

Allows you to shooting-gun helicopters, boats and cars

Mandatory phrase in the description! You can take the phrase in the profile of the creator of the mod NightWolf

Client mod v.2.4

Decryption of the config in Discord
gunner mod
Download botmap bots mod

Alpha Test

All information in discord

bots mod