Some information about what they are doing now: We want to make it

Some information about what they are doing now:

We want to make it possible to load a ready-made mission in 3-4 clicks of a button in the map menu, which will be in the form of "ready-made packs", that is, you enter the menu, poke "packs" and there are different missions with a description
you press "download" and after restart it is automatically loaded, if you want to delete you poke "delete" and the mission is deleted

and the most difficult thing to do is the hierarchy
will be the main admin - who sees all the missions of all bots, all intelligences, all sets and can delete and edit them
there will be just admins - who can create their own mission, but it will not work until the admin turns it on.
and 3 are third-party missions that are loaded in packs through the site

as a result, it will be possible, without knowing anything, to load an interesting mission with 3 buttons,
if you know a little bit to edit the mission after loading
and if an advanced admin can manage missions and change which ones, delete or create your own from 0
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