For a long time there were no philosophical reflections, and then an
For a long time there were no philosophical reflections, and then an occasion appeared after one conversation 🙂
Many complain about my use of sacastic answers, as well as the fact that I do not tell you how to fix the error, but I tell you where to find the answer to this question so that the alpha tester can find the answer himself.
I wrote instructions so that those who bought the mod dayz could use them according to the instructions without my participation, but some do not want to waste their time studying the instructions, "the developers know exactly the answer I'd better ask him, it's not difficult for him to spend 10 minutes a day on me," a thousand people thought.
The main reason for my sarcasm and "read the FAQ" links is the banal saving of nerves, because when every day for YEARS they ask the same questions to which I have already answered in the FAQ so as not to abandon this project and sarcasm is a good way.
I had an idea here, I can train a manager, give him a salary and he will answer these questions himself, then there will be no sarcasm, there will be no phrases "this error is in the FAQ" though the price of the mod dayz will increase by 3 times not $ 100, but $ 300 I'm just wondering if my sarcasm and the requirement to study the FAQ are worth the triple price? for every future alpha tester? I also buy goods and services and honestly, I would rather hear sarcasm from technical support to my not very adequate question 🙂 than I would pay 3 times more 🙂 but that's me;) everyone has their own opinion. 😉
в сообщение не влез перевод, но вкратце я там предлагаю заменить мой сарказм в ответах на вопрос на которые тот кто задал вопрос знает ответ в тройную цену мода(иронично что это тоже сарказм) да и смысла в этой теме для ру говорящих нет, так как хз как так вышло но ру говорящие прекрасно понимают когда мой сарказм появляется на вопросах которые задающие вопрос знают ответ но понимают об этом только после написания вопроса.